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Tomba del Leone Chiusi

Tomba del Leone
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The Tomb of the Lion is located at about two meters underground and one can enter through a lungo dromos (the entrance corridor). The tomb has the classical cross plan with a dromos (corridor) where there are three niches , two lateral tombs and three rooms that open up on a central hall. The Tomb of the Lion takes its name from the pediment with two female lions or panthers that , in 1911, the archeologists discovered and that now has disappeared. It also seems that in the central hall, one could view a banquet and that the ceilings (now collapsed) were carved with lacunars and that they were partially painted in a way similar to those present in the nearby Tomb of the Monkey. On the back wall, a passage opens up that takes to a well, 28 meters deep, that takes on top of the hill. That is why the Tomb of the Lion is also known as the Tomb of the Well. The writer visited the Tomb of the Lion in 2008. It was possible to visit the tomb only with a guide.......even though there isn’t much to see. It’s absolutely prohibited to take photographs in the Tomb of the Lion.
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