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Tomba del Colle Casuccini Chiusi

Tomba del Colle Casuccini
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The Tomb of the Casuccini Hill presents a quite articulate plan, rotating on three areas introduced by a long entrance corridor on the side of which there are two small cells, where cinerary urns were probably placed. Along the walls, on a frieze, ran a long procession of dancers with snakes, athletes, boxers , fighters as well as a chariot race and a characteristic banquet scene. The Tomb of the Monkey, located in Poggio Renzo, dated around 480 B.C. is interesting, especially for the cross like plan, introduced by a step corridor and quite detailed architectural structures; the main room , the lateral one and the one in the back, have a panelled ceiling with lacunars. It was discovered ,in 1846, by Alessandro Francois. It’s made up of four rooms, where one enters after having descended a staircase, that it’s not the original one, as the original entrance was made up of a long corridor, that is presently buried under a main road. As in other Etruscan tombs, the room set up reminds us of Etruscan homes, an entrance, a central room and two bedrooms on each side. It was dug directly in tuff and the paintings that decorate the walls represent scenes of athletic games, ability shows, dances and a chariot race.
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