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Adorazione dei pastori fra i Santi Galgano e Agostino
Artist: Pietro di Giovanni di Ambrogio
Year: 1440 - 1448
Current location: Museo Civico Archeologico e d'Arte Sacra Palazzo Corboli
Original location: Sant'Agostino
He work is attributed to Pietro di Giovanni Ambrosi that he painted on commission for the church of St. Augustine in Asciano.
The painting presents the type of fourteenth-century blades depicting the patron saints of the Cathedral of Siena: the structure is in triptych with the central narrative scene, flanked by two saints. In the middle we can see a fresh Nativity, similar to the one painted around 1351 by Bartolomeo Bulgarini for the altar of the Cathedral of St. Victor and of which a fragment in the United States, at the Fogg Art Museum in Cambridge.
Next are depicted Saints Augustine, holder of the order to which he belonged, the church to which it was intended the painting, and San Galgano which is recognizable by the attribute of the sword in the rock, which hints the move away from the knight life to follow that of a hermit.
Beautiful is the airy landscape that is spread on the bottom of the Adoration of the Shepherds.
Agostino, painted on the left, is depicted in the usual garments bishop with a miter on his head and in his hand a pastoral staff and a book. Note that under the vestments can be seen very well the black cowl of the Augustinian friars who have always considered the saint as their true founder.
Adorazione dei pastori fra i Santi Galgano e Agostino