PANIFICIO F.LLI MACCARI S.N.C. di Maccari Massimo e Mauro e C. Sinalunga
PANIFICIO F.LLI MACCARI S.N.C. di Maccari Massimo e Mauro e C.
53048 SINALUNGA, Piazza Padella, 9 - 53049 TORRITA DI SIENA via Grosseto, 14
Telephone 0577 630447 - 0577 686372
Time: 6,00 - 13,00
Closed: Domenica
Business card (vCard)
- Tuscan bread artisan
- Typical baked bread of different kinds, pizza, focaccia
homemade pastries of all kinds, including traditional Easter and for fur-tree: ITALY - Ciambellini
- Ricciarelli
- Horses
- Panforte black and white.
So many good wholesome products, absolutely guaranteed in terms of quality.
To prepare everything qunto produced by brothers Maccari, you can choose to use indiscriminately at the historical site of Sinalunga or shop located in Via Grosseto, Torrita di Siena.