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Madonna della Misericordia tra San Sebastiano e San Bernardino Pienza
Artist: Luca Signorelli
Year: 1490
Current location: Palazzo Borgia - Museo Diocesano
Original location: Santa Lucia
This altarpiece of the Madonna della Misericordia in the company of San Bernardino and San Sebasiano, after a first allocation to the Sienese Pietro di Domenico, is then recognized as the work of Signorelli. The board seems to have been painted immediately before (1487-1494) the completion of the cycle of frescoes in the Cathedral of Orvieto. Its original location seems to have been the headquarters of the Society of Mercy of Montepulciano. Originally it was to be linked to the dais in the Uffizi, in which are depicted: The Annunciation, The Adoration of the Shepherds and the Adoration of the Magi, as documented from Montepulciano. The not excellent quality of the implementation of the angels is interpreted as the work of employees of the master's workshop. In addition, the loss of gloss in some parts of the work is attributable to a long period of poor preservation of the table.
Madonna della Misericordia tra San Sebastiano e San Bernardino