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Madonna col Bambino in trono tra i Santi Biagio, Giovanni Battista, Nicola e Floriano Pienza
Year: 1460 -1462
Current location: Palazzo Borgia - Museo Diocesano
Original location: San Niccolò a Spedaletto
The monumental altarpiece is crowned at the top by the lunette with the Annunciation while at the bottom, in the lower part of the work, there is a tripartite predella depicting the Martyrdom of San Biagio, the Crucifixion, the Saint Nicholas doing charity. The work was painted by Vecchietta shortly after 1460 for the nearby church of Spedaletto, a fortified farm belonging to the properties of the Spedale S. Maria della Scala of Siena. The large typically Renaissance square table shows the figures placed in a well-studied perspective dimension, enhanced by a delicate color scheme and a shining light.
Madonna col Bambino in trono tra i Santi Biagio, Giovanni Battista, Nicola e Floriano