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Grotta del Beato Brandano Trequanda

Grotta del Beato Brandano
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In a wooded limestone shelf is the HOLE ROMITO of modest natural cave adapted and buffered with stone walls.
Entering the cave, there are still the original steps, the door and then the rectangular cavity with the seats where they were originally deposited funeral urns. On the right is an image of the Holy carved very simply and next a sort of holy water. Maybe once the sculpture was topped with a bow, but today are only visible holes that anchored to the wall the support columns. In its simplicity, despite the damage caused by the rain, the place has enormous appeal because it makes us dream of a distant past that seems to peep out from under the ground.
The two sculptures are undoubtedly because ancient limestone covered with a veil, but the time is indeterminable, the cavity was sporadically inhabited by various hermits and among them, even by Bartolomeo Carosi nicknamed Brandano, Petroio born in 1486 and died in Siena in 1554 .of this hermit speak many writers of the time and the result is a very complex figure.
After an accident during his work as a farmer who made him devoid of vision in one eye, completely changed his life as a dissolute and blasphemer. Wore a rough habit and rode a skull of dead under his arm and a crucifix tucked into hemp rope that surrounded the life.
He always went barefoot, slept rough in caves, ravines and cemeteries; he tore his chest with stones and sticks and, despite being illiterate, he preached the crossroads and squares launching tirades against the rich and powerful.
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