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From Sarteano to San Casciano dei Bagni and return Sarteano

Track length: 31,72 km
Road bed type: Misto Asfalto/sterrato
Difficulty: Media
Starting from the main square of Sarteano, take the road that leads to the first fork Radicofani turning left towards San Casciano dei Bagni. The road has many ups and downs but it is accompanied by picnic areas for parking. Beyond the Gates of the picnic area, we go down to San Casciano dei Bagni, 15 km from Sarteano. Visited the country on the way to go back along the Sarteano Cetona and after 700 meters turn left following the sign for the farm Armatello. Take the dirt road detour that leads right to pull the farm continuing on the main track, after 1.5 km, starts to go down firmly. After 4.9 km from the start of the dirt road, you reach a big intersection where you turn right. After 900 meters the road turns left, skirting the rocky slopes of Mount Cetona, to get to Vetriana Source. From here we continue down for 1.2 km on the main route up to the SS 478 Sarteano - Radipole where, at the first intersection useful, we turn right to Sarteano. Just embarked on this path, we can make a short detour on the left to visit the beautiful abbey of Spineto, before finally returning to Sarteano.
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