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From Chianciano to piazze of Cetona Chianciano Terme

Departing from Italy Square, in central Chianciano, after about a mile, at the crossroads proceed straight for Sarteano Cetona. Here, immediately after the square of Cetona, at the first intersection turn right and follow a winding road and steep and short ups and downs you reach the village of Piazze.All 'junction, take left and follow signs for Jumpers. At the next intersection, turn left towards Chiusi. At the end of this road is a junction where we turn left. A few kilometers away, at the crossroads, turn right in direction of SS 146. Once on the road, reached the toll booth at the Pine Oaks in the area, take the road to Sarteano. From here, continue to Chianciano, returning to the starting point.
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A dare i natali al teatro di Chiusi è l'Accademia dei Filateti, fondata nel 1818 e ...From Chianciano to piazze of Cetona
Partiti da Piazza Italia, nel centro di Chianciano, dopo circa un chilometro e mezzo, al quadrivio s