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Coro Cantus Anthimi di Castelnuovo Abate Montepulciano

Coro Cantus Anthimi di Castelnuovo Abate
Via dell'opio nel Corso, 3 Montepulciano
Telephone 0578 758714
Mobile phone: 338 3244699
Business card (vCard)
With Cantus Anthime, we dream to send the world a message of hope. We try to live the prophetic and provocative of Dostoevsky: "Beauty will save the world"! To sing "the Word made flesh" does not intend to build on our unique strengths, our vocal abilities, but we rely on the guidance of the Word who is beauty.
The Community of Sant 'Antimo from' his support to our work and a guarantee of quality and authenticity. In fact, it was designed to be totally at the service of God is right there in Sant'Antimo where there is almost nothing, which lack many facilities, we have experienced that attitude with a simple, humble and open we can sing the best of conditions.
Cantus Anthime meets periodically for tests and liturgical moments or paraliturgical (Masses, Vespers, Holy representations) and concerts in the Abbey and other places as occasion.