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Corale San Martino Sinalunga

Corale San Martino
c/o Peruzzi Giampiero Via Napoli, 1 53048 Sinalunga
Telephone 0577 630113
Mobile phone: 333 7990650
Website: www.sinalunga.org/corale/home_corale.htm
Business card (vCard)
In a letter written in 1923 by Ing. Agnolucci it appears that the first date of the founding of the Choir and its reconstitution.
So in 1899, the year of the draft Statute of the Choral Society, the group was composed of about thirty people, mostly men, because it was not possible to ascertain the existence of a master who was appointed director of this "chorus ", it is assumed that, as was customary, this post was held by a person in possession of sufficient capacity and with good will.
Statute which was properly registered and permanently in 1923, which was also apparent intention of the members performing [...] to church and out, with secular music, musical evenings, choirs by accredited instructors, and operettas [...].
This last observation is particularly remarkable given that in a later article it was provided that should be part of this association is also a "Company Filodrammatica" which was to set up shows in local theater, in this period dedicated to Cyrus Pinsuti. Paradoxically, as the choir kept its purely religious, were comedies, operettas, and above all, who obtained the favors of the public, so that their repertoire is expanded continuously. This phenomenon is easily explained as the theater required the contribution of all the villagers and in this way is obtained a get-together and mutual cultural enrichment, even the actors were the same ones that were more fun Sinalunga acting rather than singing in operettas religious songs in church.
The Chorus, then, while not enhancing their features, then continued his work in leading the liturgical Maestro Attilio Botarell body accompanied by Maestro Liberal Buracchini in the early fifties, and his repertoire came to include even all of the Masses Perosi, a Mass by Gounod and almost all the Gregorian Masses.
The choir went on his way Sinalunga: traces of his performances are detected until the mid-fifties, then the choir fell for the second time in a "sleep" which lasted until 1988.
It finally comes to more recent times in which, fortunately, the curiosity of a young pastor and the spirit of initiative of organist, the choir has awakened from the long oblivion into which it fell. It was 1988 and the choir began to take shape in its embryonic formation and not at all pretentious with modest goals. He assumed the post of Director Maestro Carlo Chiezzi so that these start-up and first set up the choir for five years.
The group was then formed by young people once held in the parish and the pieces performed, mainly in two voices, were drawn from religious and modern compositions.
In 1993 he took over the direction of Maestro John Bagnoli: the chancel has been enriched by new elements coming also from neighboring countries, has expanded the repertoire includes secular music, while maintaining the religious. The songs are performed in polyphony a cappella and with musical accompaniment, making use of the media organ of Maestro Daniel Parri. In 1995 the Choral Society Sinalunga named after the parish in which it officially calling themselves "Chorale St. Martin."
The choir uses about forty-five items with a repertoire ranging from sacred music and secular medieval (Llibre de Vermell, G. de Machaut), Renaissance (O. Vecchi, G. Gastoldi), until the time of Handel and Mozart, pre-Romantic music (L. van Beethoven) and romantic to get up to contemporary composers (Poulenc). The genres of music so different from classical music, folk music, gospel and to sprituals. The Choral Group St. Martin has to his credit a number of concerts, appearances to Rassegne also at national, concerts with renowned orchestras such as the U.S. (Sienese School for Music and Art), directed by Maestro Joseph Del Principe, but also with small instrumental ensemble and with the local Philharmonic Society Pinsuti Cyrus.
The choir has also organized the San Martin City Choral Sinalunga that, given the interest aroused in the audience promises to continue over time.
In 2001, the Choir Director Maestro Gianni Bagnoli, with the intent to improve some elements of the society to participate in reviews and contests of some significance, the majority shareholders did approve the establishment of a smaller group who were part of the " best voices. " This provoked the inevitable reaction of some singers who, finding himself excluded from the selected group, left the choir, some to sing in other groups, close down other activities. So it was that the director gave life to the creation of another independent group called "Ensemble Vocalis Flos", while remaining at the direction of the Chorale St. Martin, greatly reduced the ranks, he limited his appearances at major liturgical feast, a wedding and funeral, as well as occasional outings with the repertoire of popular music.
To date, the choir has about 15 of the 45 original items. The spirit behind this association is to share a common passion for music and friendship, especially in simplicity.