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Contrada di Gracciano Montepulciano

Maybe not all visitors who come to Montepulciano to admire the
artistic and architectural know that most of their admiration goes
to the rich heritage of this land. We start by imposing Porta al
Prato, already Gracciano, renovated by Antonio da Sangallo the old
when they built the ramparts of the Medici Fortress, and then
continue with Palazzo Boddi, the Column of the Marzocco (which
replaced in 1511 the Wolf Senese ) Palazzo Avignonesi, which placed
greater is decorated with two lions' heads attributed to Vignola.
Also reach Palazzo Bernabei is the same architect, while Antonio da
Sangallo Palace should be Cocconi Del Pecora. Special attention
deserves the Bucelli Palace, whose facade is decorated on the base
of Etruscan urns and travertine slabs inscribed with Roman and
Etruscan collections by Peter Bucelli, sensitive man of culture
diciotesimo century. According to some of the most photographed
public clock in Tuscany is that of Pulcinella, which stands between
the battlements of the sixteenth-century tower of Piazza
Michelozzo. On the other side of the course, at the open space of
the square is the church of St. Augustine restructured internally
in the eighteenth century, with an interesting Renaissance facade
characterized by late Gothic elements and enriched by a bezel of
the Florentine sculptor Michelozzo. Inside you can admire a fine
wooden sculpture portraying a crucified Christ that has been
attributed to Donatello.