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Tomba della Scimmia Chiusi

Tomba della Scimmia
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The Tomb of the Monkey is located in the necropolis of Poggio Renzo, four kilometers from the town of Chiusi. It’s dated 480-470 B.C. It was discovered by Alessandro Francois on March 1846. It takes its name from the monkey painted on the frieze that decorates the central room of the tomb. The hypogeum has a cross plan with four rooms and a step dromos (corridor). One enters through a staircase, that isn’t the original one. As a matter of fact the original dromos is buried under aroad. Every room, including the central one (hall), have funerary beds carved in bas relief in the rock and shaped as klinai ( banquet beds). The ceilings are panelled , they’re partially painted and they imitate wooden patterns. The paintings in the tomb, except for the figures of two men (servants?) and a bearded snake on the walls of the room in the back, are concentrated in a spaciously limited band in the central room. They represent funeral games. There are especially represented scenes of athletic games ( javelin throwing, fighting, boxing), ability shows ( equestrian exercises with young men that jump from a horse, acrobats , jugglers), music shows ( with lyre, trumpet, long horn and double flute players), dances and a chariot race. On one of the walls is also represented a lady with a veil on her head, seated under a small umbrella and with her feet on a stool. One can deduce from iconography, that it’s a noble lady, a spectator or maybe the deceased lady , the owner of the tomb, in whose honor the games are taking place.
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