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BENOCCI & C s.p.a. - Aggregati per costruzioni Trequanda

BENOCCI & C s.p.a. - Aggregati per costruzioni
53020 Petroio, loc. Madonnino dei Monti
Telephone 0577 665006
Fax 0577 665325
Mobile phone: 348 8601892
Website: http://benoccispa.it/
Business card (vCard)

As you can imagine, taken at that time, such activity has led to a good deal of courage, but also a far-sighted vision of the future, the business has grown, passing from generation to generation.
Thanks to the evolution of the first rudimentary tools to sophisticated machinery, the company has been able to ensure a quality product and establish itself locally as one of the most important production companies.
Despite the crisis the construction exploded in recent years, the company has undergone downsizing, indeed is still growing, thanks to the high quality of the product placed on the market and to the well established economic stability.