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Associazione Corale Jacob Arcadelt Chiusi

Associazione Corale Jacob Arcadelt
c/o Cardaioli Stefania Via Montevenere, 70 56043 Chiusi
Telephone 0578 227951
Mobile phone: 339 7813938
Business card (vCard)
The group also participated in dozens of national and international exhibitions and organizes its own festival every year which are polyphonic invited groups from neighboring regions.
Affiliated Choirs Association of Tuscany, the 'Choral Association "Jacob Arcadelt" began a fruitful collaboration with other trade groups and foreign national and has been invited to participate in numerous events.
The choir's repertoire consists mainly in the Renaissance repertoire and protobarocco, with a growing interest in the history of the twentieth century and contemporary.
The chorus is odd voices and currently has about 20 items.