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From Chianciano Montepulciano through Torrita di Siena Chianciano Terme

It starts from Chianciano's descent onto Via Trasimeno. It is, at least in the initial part of a road with some fairly steep and quite treacherous hairpin curves, great caution is therefore recommended. At the end of the downhill, crossing a small bridge, you face about 300 feet up, then another and then down across the plains to crossroads where you must turn left in direction of Siena. Still a long flat stretch that leads us, after two crossings of the railway line, until Acquaviva. In the center of the village turn right to Valian, the next intersection with the highway, turn left and follow the tourist signs for "Majesty of the Church to the Bridge." Immediately after the Church at the intersection, turn right and then to the Abbey of Montepulciano to Siena. Once in Torrita di Siena turns in the direction of Pienza and Montefollonico. From this point begins the ascent of which previously we took long enough, and that brings us news, following the signs for Montepulciano, to SS 146. From here continue to Montepulciano, where we arrive after a succession of ups and downs, stretching for about 7 km. Near the Temple of San Biagio, turn right where we get to Chianciano without encountering difficulties.
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Si parte da Chianciano imboccando la discesa di Via Trasimeno. Si tratta, almeno nella parte inizial